Quan Pham

Design + Art Direction.
Currently at Harper + Scott. 
Previously at Warner Bros, Nike,
Wasserman, & dottob.

Wild Blue

New Balance 725V1
DC Comics
Room to Grow
Eric Payne



[Personal Project]

If you have one day left to live, what would you do?

Q&A is an interactive dining experience designed by my good friend, Abby, and I. Hosted on the Leap Day of 2024, it centered around the former question. With this extra day in the year, how should we spend it?

From initial questionaries, to invitation cards, to writing letters, to designing the menu, table dressing, and video art, we wanted to place our dinner guests in the mindset ro enjoy the time and people around them.

This project remains deeply personal for me. It serves as a reminder to myself of the privilege to design for others and within culture.

Written Responses from our guests: 

Menu/Brochure Design:

Questions cards at the table:

Video Montage with responses collected from our guests.